Friday, October 15, 2010

Pity Party Interrupted

Learning to cope with adult onset asthma is a real PITA. I miss the energy I used to have. I worry ever time I feel an attack coming on, terrified I'll end up in the hospital again. We went to Dallas last weekend to the Texas State Fair.
While I had a ball--Texas Star Ferris Wheel, Monkeemobile, nearly two hours in the judged needlework and fabric art exhibition, Fried Margarita--I exhausted myself plus the pollens in the Dallas area and what blew in with the cooler autumn front triggered the allergies. I slept most of the next day and finally realized the next day, I was having asthma problems. The third day, Monday, I took myself to the doctor's office and ended up with a heavy duty antibiotic and steroid pills for the inflammation. I consoled myself with the fact that I didn't end up in the hospital.

But it's been slow going to get it under control and feel energetic again. Yesterday was the Pity Party. Any exertion exhausted me. I prayed to God to help me get beyond the depression that was swamping me. Then I turned a corner and saw a man in a wheelchair/bed. He was extremely thin. Being lovingly cared for by his wife., they were outside to enjoy the cool fresh air.

It made me realize how much better off I was. The old story came through. "I felt sorry for myself for having no shoes until I met the man with no feet." I reminded myself to treasure my blessings, especially a husband who lovingly cares for me.

Today I celebrate my husband's love, a good night's sleep for the first time in nearly a week, the ability to take my dogs for a short walk in the sunshine and cool air, the researchers and doctors who have developed the medications to help me through this, and God who knew what I needed to see even before I asked for help.