Friday, October 28, 2011

Christmas Stories Released Again!

One of thing learned when publishing a book is edits is NOT the time for major rewriting. Believe me, whenever I go through editing for one of my books, I always have the regrets of "I should have done that scene this way." or "Crud, I left out this scene." The continual urge to rewrite is the downfall of many writers who never submit. But, once that book hits an editor's desk and the edits come back, the continual urge to rewrite has to be ignored.

With this reissue, I got to rewrite and revise! Two of my favorite stories are being released again from The Wild Rose Press.
Not Your Mama's Reindeer Games is my contribution to Tales From Christmas Town(2006). Wishing for Yule originally was in Love, from Christmas Town(2007).

And the great thing next to making some changes and deepening the story? I got my own cover this time! I love it. It shows Candice's naughty spunk and Noel is a hunk.

Find out why Noel, Santa's only son, insists on dyeing his hair black and being called "Leon." And what the naughty secret Candice is keeping. I loved being back with Candice and Noel.

Not Your Momma's Reindeer Games is scheduled for release on November 4th.